Correspondence from NC Grand Secretary AF&AM
Ill. A. Gene Cobb, Jr., 33°
Sovereign Grand Inspector
General of North Carolina
Greetings all.
Today, Masons from around the state received a letter from our Grand Secretary, RW Jonathan Underwood, 32° KCCH, about the "return of the Letter G," a matter of significant importance. When I spoke with RW Underwood today, I thanked him on behalf of every North Carolina Scottish Rite member for his decision and action and pledged our complete and unwavering support of it.
Whatever the reason for its "disappearance," Letter G is returning. Regardless of our position or action on this matter, remember that mistakes are sometimes made and never acknowledged. This mistake was acknowledged. I highly commend Brother Jonathan and our Grand Line for this decision and action! In my vocational life, even though some chose other paths, confession, repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation were the norm, and the same is true for Freemasonry.
Consider the lessons we are taught from degrees 4-32. We are human, but we are also Masons, and sometimes, mistakes are made. Forgiveness is a great grace. My one true Master once said, "He who is without sin cast the first stone." There is a prayer where we say, "Forgive us our trespasses AS we forgive those who trespass against us." Those words may form a question we are asked somewhere else one day.
Let us also do unto others as we would have them do unto us because that's light from the Holy books upon our altar and the only Masonic response to this situation, a response that carries significant weight. Think about that in your conversations, posts on Social Media, and public actions. Remember, we bear witness to the integrity of the Scottish Rite when we avoid religious and political fanaticism by shining the light of brotherly love, relief, and truth. Remember who our brothers are.
As always, I'm available for further conversation about this matter if needed, but I believe our Grand Secretary's actions have aided us all in reformation. Let's move forward with the Right/Rite heart and go to work!
Cordially and respectfully,